If you were to deploy your leadership superpowers, what would that enable you to do?

Talk about a dream that you have always wanted to pursue, but have always been too afraid to.

Where were you one year ago, where are you now, and where do you want to be in a year?

Have you ever felt that you had a unique contribution to society?

What superpowers of change have you developed during previous transformations you have undergone?

What does it make you feel when you sense that your team is following you?

What questions do you ask yourself to guide the management of this transformation project?

What does the word 'exploration' inspire in you within the professional sphere?

What impactful appreciative question could you ask during a mediation between two people?

Describe a situation where you revealed yourself because you were empowered.

What is easier for you, forgiving someone or holding a grudge?

If someone believes in you, what new challenge or advice might they give you?

What projects would you like to accomplish in your life? And why?

How does this goal align with who you are and your deepest convictions?

To what desirable future does this transformation and change lead you?

Based on your experience, what conditions allow for the development of mutual trust?

Tell a story about a time your team exceeded expectations because you empowered them.

What do you know now that you did not know when you arrived this morning?

If you could start your life over, what changes would you like to make?

In your opinion, what are the daily sources of inspiration for your team?

Have you ever had an experience that had the power to uplift and transform you?

Describe a time when you were able to express yourself freely thanks to a secure environment.

If you cloned yourself, which of your characteristics would you want to keep?

What fosters a climate where colleagues feel really good and in their right place?

If you were to meet your Destiny—or God—what would you say? What do you think they would say to you?

What are you worried about and what would happen if you stopped worrying?

How many promises have you made over the past year and how many have you kept?

Do you know why your team gets up with enthusiasm and energy in the morning?

What are you willing to give and receive in this transformation project?

Tell a story where you enabled someone to find meaning in one of their actions.

How is this situation of change useful in your daily professional life?

What would inspire gratitude in you? And towards whom would you like to feel it?

What strengths did you rely on to succeed in overcoming a difficult teamwork experience?

What does the following phrase evoke for you: 'Words create our worlds and realities'?

When was the last time you helped someone and what did you do?

One day you were impressed by someone. What struck you and what would you like to emulate?

Tell a story from an experience where cooperation made a difference.

What image do you associate with the achievement of your goal?

Doing nothing or deciding nothing is always an option. What do you think about that?

Visualize yourself as a 5-year-old child. What bold professional experience would you wish for their future?

What is your level of confidence in your ability to succeed in changing in this situation?

You are writing a book on audacity. What title would you give it, and why?

You are experiencing a transformation. How can you represent it metaphorically?

What would someone more optimistic than you do in this difficult situation?

Imagine dining with a 'great sage'. It's a revelation, a significant moment. What do you want to remember from this exchange?

If you had to explain a problematic situation in a humorous way, what would it look like?

What can a team that works with trust achieve, and what result does it lead to?

What ideals have inspired you and continue to guide you in life?

What would you like your obituary to say about you when the time comes?

What is precious to keep from the current situation into the future situation?

What resources can you rely on before you commit to this transformation project?

How do you go from being the one who's right to the manager who's making progress in his or her dealings with colleagues?

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